Record zilver

Record zilver

This groundbait is the heaviest and most binding groundbait-mix in our range.Originally it was developped for fishing on the river Rhine (Germany). RECORD ZILVER (silver) is a bream-orientated groundbait but will certainly also attract other fish-species like roach, tench, carassio and carp. RECORD ZILVER is also the perfect groundbait to make other groundbaits like G5,  TURBO and/or SUPERCUP “heavier” when the fishing conditions require this.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Record Zilver Brasem/Brème Argent/Bream Silver/Plötze Silber



Record Zilver Brasem/Brème Argent/Bream Silver/Plötze Silber



Record Zilver Brasem Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



Record Zilver Brasem Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz
