A Brown coloured and very light groundbait that has an extremely fine structure. Perfect when fishing for small fish and when feeding “little and often”. Adding a percentage of SPECIAL WEDSTRIJD to your groundbait will work very well when it is important to “kick start” your swim.
- Small fish – quick fishing – aimed at bream
- Very light bait
- Fine structure
- Good taste disperser
- Add percentages to other mixtures
- Possible combinations: Collant, Leem, Beet, Natuur, Record zilver, Record goud, Brasem caramel 250gram, Rotaugen 250gram, Dynamic feeder, Supercup, Vijver geel
* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to info@marcelvandeneynde.be
*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products!
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