F1 Sweet Fishmeal

F1 Sweet Fishmeal

Sweet fishmeal is a popular product that we could not miss in our range. We have therefore developed an excellent product and using only the best raw materials.

The mix consists of a nice ratio of fish meal/ground pellets and meat meal and some nice finishing touches that the carp all appreciate.

You can use this product alone or combine it with our: expanda Gold, Skimmer Mix, Kastaar, BREAMO Mix, Expanda range; Fish meal or Big fish, Crushed Pellet Mix or our BS20!! 


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feeback as possible! Please send us what you think to info@marcelvandeneynde.be 

* Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


sweet fishmeal F1
