Hi pro carp

Hi pro carp

Hi pro carp contains, as the name suggests, high-quality proteins that will certainly attract carp and carassio-like species.  This product is a relatively coarse feed and have a nice Tutti Frutti flavor (Hi pro carp white) and hi pro carp yellow have a nice strawberry flavour, which is not appreciated in all types of water, but we notice that especially in the summer times the fish are more interested in this.

You can Hi pro carp yellow and White perfect with carassio classic and yellow lake.

When you prepare this groundbait be aware that it is more a sticky product (because of the proteins) and therefore always moisten in three times.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to info@marcelvandeneynde.be 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Hi-pro Carp Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb



Hi-pro Carp Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Hi-Pro Super Carp Wit/Blanc/White/Weiss
