

Bleak-fishing is still very popular in Middle-, Southern- and Eastern-Europe. ABLETTA is a groundbait that’s especially aimed at attracting these fish. This mix has an ultra-fine structure that will allow the present fish to get a taste from this groundbait without over-feeding them. ABLETTA will form a massive “cloud” in the water that will “hang” in the upper layers for a long time. Different fishing- conditions require different colours of this groundbait.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Abletta Classic/Wit/Blanc/White/Weiss



Abletta Rood/Rouge/Red-/Rot



Abletta Classic



Abletta Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:









A Brown coloured and very light groundbait that has an extremely fine structure. Perfect when fishing for small fish and when feeding “little and often”. Adding a percentage of SPECIAL WEDSTRIJD to your groundbait will work very well when it is important to “kick start” your swim.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:






Beet is a brilliant bait. It has been developed in consultation with the team of champions, BEET Boutersem.

This groundbait was used by the team of Beet Boutersem when they won the World Championships (1984 Italy and 1985 Belgium) for Clubteams some years ago now. This is where the name stems from.

This groundbait has a particular

„chocolate“ smell and is aimed at attracting bream, roach and silver-bream when fishing in canals and deep lakes. We advise to add a percentage of RECORD ZILVER when the fishing conditions require an even heavier mix. Alternatively you can make this mix a bit lighter by adding some KASTAAR.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:






This  groundbait mix is quite fine, a little bit sticky and creates a small cloud.

This mix mainly consists of corn related products that are specifically used for bream fishing. We have chosen not to add a specific aroma to this groundbait, because this mix contains special ingredients that will attract fish. Which is an advantage because in that way can the angler choose for themselves which additive they want to put in the mix (bream caramel, vanilla, strawberry, big fish...) And to adjust it to their own desire.

We have noted that it is best not to mix this groundbait  with herb/spicy products. .

We have produced this groundbait in 2 colours, yellow and black. This can also be found in a separate packaging, due to the ever-increasing trend of the use of black baits on the canals, you will find the BREAMO MIX BLACK in the “MARCEL LEGENDS MAKE LEGENDS” packaging. We have given it a yellow colour for the lake version and you can find it in the “LAKE” packaging.

The composition is irresistible to bream and skimmers, you will also be able to attract the larger specimens with this product.

It is best to moisten the mix in 3 times, it is recommended to add water each time instead of adding the water in 1 x. This way you get the best possible end result.

Bream fishing:

2 kg Breamo Mix + 1 kg super cup

2 kg Breamo Mix + 2 kg damp leam

1 kg Breamo Mix + 1 kg Record Silver + 1 kg Damp leam (heavy mix)

All round:

2kg Turbo + 1kg Breamo mix

More active/working feed:

1kg Breamo mix + 1kg Yellow lake 2 kg mix.


Breamo mix black



Breamo mix yellow




This is a very light groundbait, both as a mix and also in colour.

BRX is aimed at attracting fish like roach, bream, tench and carp in waters that are shallow and have very little current or none at all.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:






This groundbait is created for the Italian market and in particular for Ostelato – a stationary canal 70 m wide and about 2.5 m deep. This high quality bait is used by the Italian angler to fish at a long distance about 60 to 65 meters, it has the capacity of staying closed during slingshot shooting, once in the water it immediately forms a cloud, breaks open and in this way brings the live bait to the desired distance.

Due to its special aroma and ingredients it also attracts fish quite quickly and can successfully use it in our stings for fishing small carp, carassio, bream and roach on similar non-floating waters.

Tip: for fishing in still water for roach and bream with maggots – casters – mosquito larvae.

1 kg Skimmer Mix + 1 kg catch + 500 grams chapelure + 1 bag Bream Caramel. 1 hour before the start moisten in three times, add mosquito larvae 5 minutes before the start and throw everything on your fishing spot. If you are only fishing with maggots and casters, feed half of them and regularly supplement with a small hand.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:






This bait was developed back in 1983 when the World Championships took place in the Netherlands along the Amsterdam Rhine canal and where the Belgian team with Marcel van den Eynde as one of its members became World Champion.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:




DS Feeder

DS Feeder

Feeder fishing requires completely different kinds of bait compared to the ones we are used to in the more traditional fixed rod fishing. The biggest difference is that in feeder fishing bait is thrown in the water in a feed basket, which is completely different from throwing a feed ball. A lot of other products in our range can be used for feeder fishing! It mainly concerns the weight of the products and how they are moistened.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


DS Feeder



DS Feeder



DS Feeder Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



DS Feeder Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz


Dynamic feeder

Dynamic feeder

This groundbait was designed with feederfishing in mind. DYNAMIC FEEDER will “explode” out of the feeder once the fishing place is reached. This mix contains many crushed seeds which attracts a wide variety of species.

The oil that comes from the crushed seeds will ensure many “working” groundbait bits. These are being “carried along” with the water-movement. The fish in the area will taste them, start searching for the “source” and find your feeding place.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


Expo - Tench

Expo - Tench

EXPO - TENCH is a semi-heavy bottom bait manufactured the same as secret. The bait is suitable for roach, bream and tench. An addition of maggots, midge larvae and casters is necessary. When the fish are not biting, surprising results can still be achieved. Expo is usually used pure and is suitable for match angling, moreover, EXPO can be made lighter with Special and heavier with Record Sweet or Silver. Expo was created after the 1969 world championships in Bad-Oldesloë (West Germany), where we won the silver thanks to Expo.

Tip: Pre-targeted for difficult fishing and can also be used for match angling and quivertip angling:

2kg expo + 1kg special + 125 bream or vanilla and 125 gram rotaugen, be wet in three times.


Expo - Tench


Formule M Roach

Formule M Roach

We have been looking for a composition for the increasingly popular winter fishing on canals for some time. These contain a lot of roach in the colder months

Marcel kept a text book, and in this booklet the composition of a roach formula was written down. We could also read the first test results in his booklet where he quickly got fish in his swim and did not stop catching until 4 hours of continuous roach fishing! So we had to test this.

Our results were very good, and that this product was launched in 2019 under the obvious name Formula M Roach! Formula with reference to the notebook, M by Marcel and Roach to the typical roach fished.

This groundbait therefore meets all requirements for winter fishing:

- Dark without colour addition!
- Fine texture with no rich ingredients so as not to saturate the fish quickly
- Attractive due to specific bitter taste and herbs
- Light, little adhesive to use on soft soil

Tip: for big roach, prepare this groundbait at least a few hours or the evening before so that most of the active particles are gone. This also has the advantage of being able to quickly start fishing on the bank without the fingers getting stiff from the cold.

A) Still water + canals: 0.5 kg DM + 1 kg formula M Roach + 0.5 Turbo + 0.5 Black earth + 100 gram Rotaugen special

1) Pigeon shi# in case of dry (DM) pour hot water with 200ml Liquid Aroma Molasses and let it cool down. Anyone who can still get fresh pigeon shi# remains an advantage ....

We add one part of the Formula M Roach to this paste (may run smoothly), mix well and let it rest again for a while. Personally, I do this the evening before fishing and in the morning before leaving for water, continue with step 2

2) Now we mix in the "black earth" and Turbo (of each half the amount of Formula M used), add some water if necessary.

3) Before we leave for going to the water add 100g Rotaugen Special while mixing (in the meantime we also have a Formula M Herbs on the market where this step is no longer necessary)

4) Before feeding another can of hemp while mixing together with a handful of bait (dead maggots, casters)

B) Slow running water:

Same as above but in step 2 replace the black earth with Terre De Fond and also add a part of Secret
Golden tip: Always take a bag of Bentonite with you to the water, when using a lot of maggots, the adhesive strength can quickly decrease and this bait does not hit the bottom. Just a cloud of Bentonite through the groundbait will quickly solve this problem!

Be sure to take a look at videos (Roach fishing Dender: Canal Belgium) for even more tips!


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Formule M Roach



Formule M Bream


Formule M BREAM

Formule M BREAM

Formula M Bream is a cheaper bait that is ideal for the starting fisherman


It is a bait that goes more to the heavier side and is ideal for rivers and canals. it has a natural sweet smell


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Formule M Roach



Formule M Bream


Feeder BIG Roach

Feeder BIG Roach

We have developed a new roach product in our Feeder range. It is an ideal compound to use as a base and certainly comes into its own in combination with our other feeder products (Feeder Mystery red, -Gold and Basic). 

Feeder BIG Roach is slightly coarse in structure and has a coriander odour which means it can be used virtually all year round for both roach and bream.

Feeder BIG Roach is available in brown and black. 


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder BIG Roach 



Feeder BIG Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


Feeder Bream

Feeder Bream

This beautiful bream mix is an ideal feeder product based on a lot of different corn products which bream and skimmers love.

When you open this bag you will notice that it has a cream/caramel scent and is highly flavoured.

You can combine this product with all products and works very well with Feeder Turbo+ (black).


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feeback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

* Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

 Our range contains:


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


G5 Special

G5 Special

G5 is a well-known product and we were often asked whether there are other types available. We have therefore decided to make a spice mix to develop an attractive and tasty new G5. We noticed that we could catch the slightly larger roach fish. 


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


G5 Special


Gold pro

Gold pro

GOLD PRO is the name of 3 basic groundbaits in different colors. GOLD PRO is a magnet for bream, roach, crucian carp, carp and tench.

It can be used anywhere except for extremely deep and strongly flowing waters.


All round
Popular mix!
still waters
Easily flowing waters
Shallow water
Possible combinations: Vijver geel 1Kg, Secret, Brasem caramel 250gram, Record zilver, Leem, Record goud, Supercup, Superlake, beet, Kastaar, Big fish

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde likes to receive as much feedback as possible! Send us your opinion at

* Are you looking for recipes? Then take a look at the preferred products!

Our offer consists of:


Gold - Pro Classic



Gold - Pro Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb


*30093 Gold pro black 


*30094 gold pro Big River *new 2024


Grote voorn

Grote voorn

The literal translation for the name of this mix is big roach. You could therefore say that the name says it all. GROTE VOORN is the ideal mix when fishing for big roach or other “roach-type” fish-species. This is a fairly heavy and binding mix that, once on the bottom, will “break open” very quickly. In this groundbait there are many “working” ingredients that are irresistible for the fish that are swimming around your fishing-area. When the exact fishing conditions require this VOORN is the ideal mix to make this groundbait mix a little bit lighter



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Grote Voorn/Gros Gardon/Big Roach/Grosse Plötze


Heavy special

Heavy special



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Heavy Special




Canalis a recipe from Marcel Van Den Eynde itself, it has been taken out of production for a few years, but now we're bringing back this old friend in 2018!

Canal is a very heavy and adhesive product for Canals and rivers, Canal also gives a small and cloud in the water; it has a basic sweet smell. The perfect all-round


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:








* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:








* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:






SECRET is one of the oldest and best selling groundbaits in the whole VAN DEN EYNDE-range. It can be used both neat or in combination with nearly every other groundbait to suit the exact fishing conditions. The recipe highly recommended for canals with Secret is: 2KG Turbo + 1KG Secret + 0.5 bag of bream caramel + 0.5 bag of Rotaugen (Add Leam dependent on the water flow).
SECRET is attractive to nearly any coarse fish species but was developed with especially roach, bream, carp and tench in mind. Fishing waters across Europe are becoming increasingly clean and clear. Consequently, there is more demand for dark-coloured groundbaits. It is therefore only logical that this successful groundbait is now also available in a black colour.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:








Secret Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



Secret Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz


 Skimmer Mix

Skimmer Mix

This groundbait has been developed for angling on lakes or other types of still waters. It is a light (to semi) active groundbait that has a medium coarse consistency. This groundbait is suitable for both summer and winter fishing, but will be slightly more effective in the warmer periods. It has a vanilla scent as the main fragrance and tastes slightly sweet. It attracts all types of fish and depending on what product you can attach your focus or your fishing.

For Medium pace rivers, slightly over wet the groundbait and add 2 kg of VDE Damp Leam. This makes the groundbait heavier, but lets it break down very quickly.

The main thing we can advise you to do when preparing your groundbait is to take your time when moistening groundbait. The ‘three times regime’ gives the groundbait plenty of time to absorb all liquids and reach the required consistency.


Add the contents of the bag to an equal amount of white breadcrumbs/Polenta (coarse), add water to the desired moisture level and mix well. Then add 2 to 3 handfuls of sifted light leam, possibly with live bait (bloodworm, joker or maggots). Mix thoroughly and immediately throw everything in the desired place.

 All round:

1 kg Skimmer Mix + 0,5 kg Big fish 1 kg + 100 gram brasem caramel

Ondiep water:

1 kg Skimmer Mix + 1kg Paneermeel wit + (2a3 grepen leem) + brasem caramel

1 kg skimmer mix  + 0,5 kg BEET (of kastaar)  + 125 gram Bream Caramel

Diep water:

1 Kg Skimmer Mix + 2 kg VDE damp Leam + 125 gram Bream Caramel

1 kg skimmer mix  + 0,5 kg Record Sweet  + 125 gram Bream Caramel  (+ VDE damp Leam)


1 kg Skimmer Mix + 1 kg Expanda Caramel (of een ander type van de range)

1 kg Skimmer Mix + 1 kg Sweet Fishmeal F1

1 kg Skimmer Mix + 1 kg Expanda Gold


1 kg Skimmer Mix + 1 kg carassio


Skimmer Mix






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:






Although he is only young, Andy Berteyn already has a long list of  accomplishments in the sport.

In 2010 he won his first Belgian Championship after he had already won this Championship three times with the Under 18s. In the meantime Andy has also become multiple Belgian International.

Like so many other good anglers, Andy has his own particular view on baits and how to use them. All these ideas have been brought together and the results of that exercise is this new range of baits called SUPERCRACK.

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

They are available in:


Supercrack Brasem/Brème/Bream/Brachsen



Supercrack Voorn/Gardon/Roach/Plötze



Supercrack Voorn Zwart/Gardon Noir/Roach Black/Plötze Schwarz



Supercrack Brasem Zwart/Brème Noir/Bream Black/Brachsen Schwarz



Supercrack Brasem Bruin/Brème Brun/Bream Brown/Brachsen Braun




One of the older products in our range is SUPERCUP and has been developed in part thanks to Jean Coolens in the 80’s, a former Belgian champion after winning the Supercup trophy twice.

The Super Cup groundbait is a light brown feed and has a varied effect that can quickly attract large and small fish, such as roach and bream during difficult periods. The bait can therefore be used during the summer as well as during the winter months.

You can use this bait pure with maggots and casters, or mix the bait 1 on 1 with leam and small fresh bloodworm and joker. Super cup absorbs a lot of water and can therefore swell considerably. It is usually sufficient to moisten 2 kg of Super Cup in three stages, and to mix about 2 kg of moist loam + 800 gr of  joker.

A large part has to be fed five minutes before the start of the match. When the fish do not bite, you can regularly feed them in small helpings .

Supercup is also ideal for luring fish to the surface.

 Be careful when fishing with maggots and casters, no clay is added.

 Partly thanks to this feed, the well-known English fisherman, BOB NUDD, was voted best national match angler in 1986.

 Supercup can be made heavier with Secret, Beet or Kastaar.

 TIP: Supercup is ideal for feeder fishing as this bait will spread immediately as soon as it enters the water. Due to its special effect and aroma, Super Cup attracts fish from a great distance. Regular additional feeding at the same place is required



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:





Supercup Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Supercup Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:





Superroach zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



Superroach Heavy **NEW 2023**




We developed superroach heavy because the demand for a product with a nut mix came up more and more.

The advantage of this mix is that its usable for both surface and bottom fishing.

As a finishing touch, we have chosen to add our freshly roasted kemp, which gives the mix a very strong and full scent, which is certainly not wrong for winter fishing.

You can definitely use this mix in summer and winter.

Superroach Heavy can be used for roach, skimmers and bream and can easily be mixed with other baits.

1 kg SUPERROACH HEAVY + 1 kg WORLD CHAMPION + 250 GR Ground kemp + 150 GR Sinking Crumbs + 500 GR Moist loam.


2 kg SUPERROACH HEAVY + 250 Grilled kemp + 600 Gr moist loam


1 kg SUPERROACH HEAVY + 1 kg TURBO + 250 GR Ground kemp + 150 GR Sinking Crumbs + 500 GR Moist loam.

The Superroach Heavy needs to be prepared 3 times, if you want the groundbait to stick even more, don't forget to add Loam or fresh pigeonsh*t to it, then it will stick very well.

After the great success in 2023, the demand kept coming for a black version of superroach heavy to be made.
From 2024, superroach heavy will also be available in a black version





Superroach zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz/Nero



Superroach Heavy **NEW 2023**



Superroach Heavy BLACK *NEW 2024**






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:





Voorn zwart/Gardon Noir/Roach Black/Plötze Schwarz


Carassio, barbel & chub *new 2024*

Carassio, barbel & chub *new 2024*

We have developed a new product within the carassio range with the intention of attracting the larger specimens. The mix in itself is quite rich, not too heavy and contains a very coarse texture.  It has a strong smell where you will immediately smell the sweetener and then slightly less sweet....
After long searching and trying, we found the right ratio of cheese to add to this mix and the results were accordingly. The big carassios reported smoothly. We saw in our test phase that we were not only catching carassios but also barbel and chub smoothly. For that reason, we decided to name all three fish. 
It's best to prepare this mix in advance, let it rest for at least 30 min. Ideally, you should wet it the night before fishing. If desired, strain it once in a while and add some extra water if necessary.
You can use this product pure or combined like with Skimmer mix, Gold Pro Big River or Feeder Coarse.


Carassio Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb



Carassio, barbel & chub



Carassio classic


Big fish

Big fish

This bait has been developed in cooperation with Luc Vercammen, the famous Belgian match angler and former European Champion.

The name says it all. This groundbait is aimed at attracting bigger fish-species like Roach, bream, tench and especially also carp.

BIG FISH has a coarse structure.

A “robust”groundbait that will “break open” quickly once it has reached the bottom. A mix of BIG FISH and VIJVER GEEL 2 kg has proved successful many times



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Big Fish/Gros Poisson/Big Fish/Grosse Fisch






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Carassio Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb



Carassio, barbel & chub



Carassio classic






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:




Crushed Pellet Mix

Crushed Pellet Mix

We have developed a product for popular commercial fisheries that can be used for various methods.

The crushed pellet mix contains high-quality pellets, fishmeal, a little bit of meat meal (which smells quite a bit) and it is kept quite coarse by leaving a few whole pellets in it. The anglers can decide for themselves whether he wants to fish with a coarse mix or not and prefers to riddle out the coarser particles.

The mix is fairly easy to use, and you can wet it the evening before fishing and let it rest in a cool place. You can also prepare it perfectly an hour before fishing. ** Add +/- 0.5 L of water to 1 kg crushed pellet mix, which is best made wet in three parts. Let the mix rest for a while per moistening session. The intact pellets that are present in the mix will be completely soft after 30 to 40 minutes.

It certainly does well in the slightly colder period of the year, but can be used perfectly in the summer period.

The product is certainly suitable for use with the method, but then it is best to riddle out the coarse parts out (but you don't have to).

Extra: for fishing for larger fish, you can use our Liquid booster Shell Fish or Meat. You can simply add our liquid booster to the water you want to use to finish your bait/pellets. If you want to use a liquid booster for more all round fishing, it is best to use the Liquid booster Chocolate, Scopex or Syrup.

Simply add 1 cap of liquid booster per hand of food/pellets (+/- 50 gram  product) to your mixing water (our Liquid boosters are quite strong, but if you notice that the smell can be stronger, you can always add more) .


Crushed Pellet Mix


Dino Paste

Dino Paste

This is an ideal product to go paste fishing, the recipe has been developed in such a way that you can prepare it, one on one, 1 part product and 1 part wate. You just need to wait 5 minutes and its ready. The hookpaste is made with only pellets of high quality.

For more information can you always check our video's 


  • Has a greater bonding strength than the hookpaste 250GR
  • Based on specially selected protein-rich pellets
  •  Perfect base to further add a fragrance / taste or color of your choice
  •  Due to its low weight and high solubility it forms a feed track which attracts fish from far away
  •  contains fish meal of the highest quality
  •  Contains water-soluble appetite stimulant for cyprinids

If you want to accentuate the scent more, you can simply add the corresponding additive  (additivesconcentratesstimulators

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:





Dino Paste




After the success story of the classic Dino Paste, Van Den Eynde is releasing a new variant, the Dino Paste Xt (or extra). The Dino Paste XT has a greater adhesive force than the hookpaste 250GR and is based on specially selected protein-rich pellets. The mix contains the highest quality fishmeal and contains water soluble cyprinid appetite stimulants.

If you start using the Dino Paste XT you will notice how loose, how soft and how light this mix is. Which is very important for those shy carp. When the paste comes into contact with the water, it provides direct effect and makes a beautiful track. It will also create a cloud above the bottom and give an effect that is ideal for attracting extra fish.

How do you prepare it now? Take 1 part Dino Paste XT and 1 part water. Don't be afraid, in the beginning you will think that this will fail. Stir well and you will see after 5 minutes the Dino Paste XT will absorb all the water and begin to swell and come off completely.

The advantage is not necessary to finish large quantities, because it is actually ready after about 5 minutes.

You can add a liquid booster such as MEAt or SYRUP to the water, but be very careful with the latter because it is very sweet so you can attract smaller fish faster!

Due to its pale base color you can also give it the perfect colour that you want, or rather, what the carp wants...





Dino Paste



Dino Paste XT


Expanda caramel

Expanda caramel

Our Expanda range of Carpmaster products are made from hig quality crushed expanders. They contain a lot of fishmeal and other protein sources, therefore they are immediately attractive to the larger bream and carp.

Our Expanda fishmeal is our base and all other types are only enriched with flavour. In our Expanda range there is one product that sticks more than the others, namely, the Expanda Protein. The protein that we use herein produces a higher binding power.

Expanders are products that expand due to production pressure, hence the word expander. The producs will therefore become larger as a result of the process and at the same time also lighter in weight. If you want to fish with expander groundbaits, you have to take these properties into account.

Our Expanda range has been developed in such a way that it has a good binding properties, just enough for the expanders to do their job. The crushed expanders will allow your mix to break up easily, which is a crucial feature for fine-tuning your fishing and groundbait. Make sure to prepare the Expanda range in three stages, as they absorb a lot of water.

You can use our Expanda range on almost all waters where the fishmeal products work (Canal, river and lakes). They can also be used across all disciplines, pole fishing, paste fishing,  feeder, method etc..

In Belgium, we do note that the fish have taste preferences, for example we noted that in Ghent Terneuzen the Expanda Tutti Frutti does well in the warmer seasons and the Expanda Big Fish cannot be resisted in lakes.

With Expanda fishmeal or Caramel you can use anywhere. For the more difficult fisheries = Expanda Garlic. Do you prefer a sweeter product? = Expanda strawberry? A skimmer water? Expanda tutti frutti will help you shine

It is absolutely clear that this range is an ideal all-rounder that you can use on its own, but can also safely combine with:

yellow  lake1 kg + Expanda (type)
Crushed Pellet Mix 1 kg + Expanda Fishmealmeal 1 kg
Pro pellet feed 1 kg + Expanda Big fish 1 kg
Ideal paste combination: Dino paste 1 kg + Exapdana Protein 1 kg (watch the videos for more tips)
Hi Pro carp yellow 1 kg + Expanda Strawberry 1 kg
Hi pro carp white 1 kg + Expanda Tutti frutti 1 kg
Supercarp strawberry 1 kg + Expanda big fish 1 kg



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Carpmaster Expanda Caramel



Carpmaster Expanda Strawberry 



Carpmaster Expanda Big Fish 


*30022 Carpmaster Expanda Tutti Frutti  1kg/12
*30023 Carpmaster Expanda Protein  1kg/12
*30024 Carpmaster Expanda Fishmeal  1kg/12
*30037 Carpmaster Expanda Garlic 1kg/12

Expanda Fishmeal

Expanda Fishmeal

Our Expanda range of Carpmaster products are made from hig quality crushed expanders. They contain a lot of fishmeal and other protein sources, therefore they are immediately attractive to the larger bream and carp.

Our Expanda fishmeal is our base and all other types are only enriched with flavour. In our Expanda range there is one product that sticks more than the others, namely, the Expanda Protein. The protein that we use herein produces a higher binding power.

Expanders are products that expand due to production pressure, hence the word expander. The producs will therefore become larger as a result of the process and at the same time also lighter in weight. If you want to fish with expander groundbaits, you have to take these properties into account.

Our Expanda range has been developed in such a way that it has a good binding properties, just enough for the expanders to do their job. The crushed expanders will allow your mix to break up easily, which is a crucial feature for fine-tuning your fishing and groundbait. Make sure to prepare the Expanda range in three stages, as they absorb a lot of water.

You can use our Expanda range on almost all waters where the fishmeal products work (Canal, river and lakes). They can also be used across all disciplines, pole fishing, paste fishing,  feeder, method etc..

In Belgium, we do note that the fish have taste preferences, for example we noted that in Ghent Terneuzen the Expanda Tutti Frutti does well in the warmer seasons and the Expanda Big Fish cannot be resisted in lakes.

With Expanda fishmeal or Caramel you can use anywhere. For the more difficult fisheries = Expanda Garlic. Do you prefer a sweeter product? = Expanda strawberry? A skimmer water? Expanda tutti frutti will help you shine

It is absolutely clear that this range is an ideal all-rounder that you can use on its own, but can also safely combine with:

yellow  lake1 kg + Expanda (type)
Crushed Pellet Mix 1 kg + Expanda Fishmealmeal 1 kg
Pro pellet feed 1 kg + Expanda Big fish 1 kg
Ideal paste combination: Dino paste 1 kg + Exapdana Protein 1 kg (watch the videos for more tips)
Hi Pro carp yellow 1 kg + Expanda Strawberry 1 kg
Hi pro carp white 1 kg + Expanda Tutti frutti 1 kg
Supercarp strawberry 1 kg + Expanda big fish 1 kg


If you want to accentuate the scent more, you can simply add the corresponding additive  (additivesconcentratesstimulators

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Carpmaster Expanda Caramel 



Carpmaster Expanda Strawberry 



Carpmaster Expanda Big Fish 



Carpmaster Expanda Tutti Frutti 



Carpmaster Expanda Protein 



Carpmaster Expanda Fishmeal 


*30037 Carpmaster Expanda Garlic 1kg/12

Expanda Strawberry

Expanda Strawberry

Our Expanda range of Carpmaster products are made from hig quality crushed expanders. They contain a lot of fishmeal and other protein sources, therefore they are immediately attractive to the larger bream and carp.

Our Expanda fishmeal is our base and all other types are only enriched with flavour. In our Expanda range there is one product that sticks more than the others, namely, the Expanda Protein. The protein that we use herein produces a higher binding power.

Expanders are products that expand due to production pressure, hence the word expander. The producs will therefore become larger as a result of the process and at the same time also lighter in weight. If you want to fish with expander groundbaits, you have to take these properties into account.

Our Expanda range has been developed in such a way that it has a good binding properties, just enough for the expanders to do their job. The crushed expanders will allow your mix to break up easily, which is a crucial feature for fine-tuning your fishing and groundbait. Make sure to prepare the Expanda range in three stages, as they absorb a lot of water.

You can use our Expanda range on almost all waters where the fishmeal products work (Canal, river and lakes). They can also be used across all disciplines, pole fishing, paste fishing,  feeder, method etc..

In Belgium, we do note that the fish have taste preferences, for example we noted that in Ghent Terneuzen the Expanda Tutti Frutti does well in the warmer seasons and the Expanda Big Fish cannot be resisted in lakes.

With Expanda fishmeal or Caramel you can use anywhere. For the more difficult fisheries = Expanda Garlic. Do you prefer a sweeter product? = Expanda strawberry? A skimmer water? Expanda tutti frutti will help you shine

It is absolutely clear that this range is an ideal all-rounder that you can use on its own, but can also safely combine with:

yellow  lake1 kg + Expanda (type)
Crushed Pellet Mix 1 kg + Expanda Fishmealmeal 1 kg
Pro pellet feed 1 kg + Expanda Big fish 1 kg
Ideal paste combination: Dino paste 1 kg + Exapdana Protein 1 kg (watch the videos for more tips)
Hi Pro carp yellow 1 kg + Expanda Strawberry 1 kg
Hi pro carp white 1 kg + Expanda Tutti frutti 1 kg
Supercarp strawberry 1 kg + Expanda big fish 1 kg


If you want to accentuate the scent more, you can simply add the corresponding additive (additives, concentrates, stimulators)

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Carpmaster Expanda Caramel



Carpmaster Expanda Strawberry 



Carpmaster Expanda Big Fish 



Carpmaster Expanda Tutti Frutti



Carpmaster Expanda Protein 



Carpmaster Expanda Fishmeal 



Carpmaster Expanda Garlic


Expanda Big Fish

Expanda Big Fish

Our Expanda range of Carpmaster products are made from hig quality crushed expanders. They contain a lot of fishmeal and other protein sources, therefore they are immediately attractive to the larger bream and carp.

Our Expanda fishmeal is our base and all other types are only enriched with flavour. In our Expanda range there is one product that sticks more than the others, namely, the Expanda Protein. The protein that we use herein produces a higher binding power.

Expanders are products that expand due to production pressure, hence the word expander. The producs will therefore become larger as a result of the process and at the same time also lighter in weight. If you want to fish with expander groundbaits, you have to take these properties into account.

Our Expanda range has been developed in such a way that it has a good binding properties, just enough for the expanders to do their job. The crushed expanders will allow your mix to break up easily, which is a crucial feature for fine-tuning your fishing and groundbait. Make sure to prepare the Expanda range in three stages, as they absorb a lot of water.

You can use our Expanda range on almost all waters where the fishmeal products work (Canal, river and lakes). They can also be used across all disciplines, pole fishing, paste fishing,  feeder, method etc..

In Belgium, we do note that the fish have taste preferences, for example we noted that in Ghent Terneuzen the Expanda Tutti Frutti does well in the warmer seasons and the Expanda Big Fish cannot be resisted in lakes.

With Expanda fishmeal or Caramel you can use anywhere. For the more difficult fisheries = Expanda Garlic. Do you prefer a sweeter product? = Expanda strawberry? A skimmer water? Expanda tutti frutti will help you shine

It is absolutely clear that this range is an ideal all-rounder that you can use on its own, but can also safely combine with:

yellow  lake1 kg + Expanda (type)
Crushed Pellet Mix 1 kg + Expanda Fishmealmeal 1 kg
Pro pellet feed 1 kg + Expanda Big fish 1 kg
Ideal paste combination: Dino paste 1 kg + Exapdana Protein 1 kg (watch the videos for more tips)
Hi Pro carp yellow 1 kg + Expanda Strawberry 1 kg
Hi pro carp white 1 kg + Expanda Tutti frutti 1 kg
Supercarp strawberry 1 kg + Expanda big fish 1 kg


If you want to accentuate the scent more, you can simply add the corresponding additive (additives, concentrates, stimulators)

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Carpmaster Expanda Caramel



Carpmaster Expanda Strawberry 



Carpmaster Expanda Big Fish 



Carpmaster Expanda Tutti Frutti 



Carpmaster Expanda Protein 



Carpmaster Expanda Fishmeal 


Expanda gold

Expanda gold


  • Aimed at carp, but also at bream and tench
  • Carp waters
  • Contains pellets
  • Add 300 gram to a composition of 2 kg
  • Mainly to be combined with other feed – use as an additive
  • Take care: Nutritious – and therefore harmful – less is better
  • Possible combinations: Hi pro carp, Carpmaster caramel, Supercarp, Carpano


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Expanda Gold


Feeder Sweet carp

Feeder Sweet carp

This is a product that is easy to prepare and already smells sweet by itself. The brown natural color is a basic color and is a good match with the added  red and yellow chapelure for extra attractiveness.

Our feeder sweet carp is a product that will work very well with our new additive m's secret or sweet fruit. The new feeder sweet carp is a product than can also be combined well with one of our expanda range products our dynamic feeder.

feeder sweet carp is therefore an ideal basic product where the fish love a sweet scent.


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feeback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

* Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


F1 Sweet Fishmeal

F1 Sweet Fishmeal

Sweet fishmeal is a popular product that we could not miss in our range. We have therefore developed an excellent product and using only the best raw materials.

The mix consists of a nice ratio of fish meal/ground pellets and meat meal and some nice finishing touches that the carp all appreciate.

You can use this product alone or combine it with our: expanda Gold, Skimmer Mix, Kastaar, BREAMO Mix, Expanda range; Fish meal or Big fish, Crushed Pellet Mix or our BS20!! 


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feeback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

* Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


sweet fishmeal F1


Hi pro carp

Hi pro carp

Hi pro carp contains, as the name suggests, high-quality proteins that will certainly attract carp and carassio-like species.  This product is a relatively coarse feed and have a nice Tutti Frutti flavor (Hi pro carp white) and hi pro carp yellow have a nice strawberry flavour, which is not appreciated in all types of water, but we notice that especially in the summer times the fish are more interested in this.

You can Hi pro carp yellow and White perfect with carassio classic and yellow lake.

When you prepare this groundbait be aware that it is more a sticky product (because of the proteins) and therefore always moisten in three times.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Hi-pro Carp Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb



Hi-pro Carp Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Hi-Pro Super Carp Wit/Blanc/White/Weiss


Hi Pro Carp Method mix

Hi Pro Carp Method mix

This product is a unique coarse yet binding mixture that is particularly rich in proteins. Ideal when there are many carp to catch!  You can also use this bait in combination with a percentage of fishmeal or brown chapelure when conditions are more difficult and slightly more normal fishing can be expected.

You can always add our BS20 to this mix, the BS20 bag ensures larger fish, feel free to read the article about BS20.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Hi Pro Carp Method Mix




MVDE launches the first hook paste that you can't be forgotten for today's carp fishing line!


- Based on specially selected protein-rich pellets
- Perfect base to further add a fragrance / taste or color of your choice
- Due to its low weight and high solubility it forms a feed track which attracts fish from far away
- contains fish meal of the highest quality
- Contains water-soluble appetite stimulant for cyprinids

If you want to accentuate the fragrance, you can easily use additives, concentrates, stimulators, betaine, amino acids, liquid boosters or Liquid aromas, the liquid aromas and boosters will also change color

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:




Pro Pellet Feed

Pro Pellet Feed

Our new commercial/lake mix Pro Pellet Feed consists of specifically selected pellets and some sweet ingredients that ensure that the mix has a binding/sticky characteristics. So let the mix absorb enough water.

 ** Preparation ideal for coarse fishing: because the mix has a binding/sticky characteristics, we advise to use per 3 parts of groundbait (= +/- 1 kg groundbait), 1 part water (is +/- 0.5 – 0, 6 litres of water). If the weather is dryer or it is quite warm, you can always add a little extra water.

The reason why we advise to mix the groundbait in three stages is because this way it has enough time to absorb the water and become soft. Let the mix rest for 5 minutes for each time you add water, after which you can let the groundbait go through the sieve.

Do not be surprised if you think that the groundbait may feel a bit too dry at first, because just after sieving you will be able to mix the wetter parts of the groundbait components well with the dryer parts.

If you add too much water to a binding/sticky mix at once you will have more work to finish as it will form one paste.

What is the ideal groundbait ball for us now? However, the ball that sticks enough to go down and, once on the bottom, crumbles quickly. This prevents the fish from swallowing the ball of groundbait  and swimming away thereafter.

When will you know if your groundbait is ready? If you can squeeze a ball from your groundbait, and when you rub the ball back apart where no remnants stick to your hands, it is good.

For bream fishing we would rather work with larger groundbait balls where you feed heavily in the beginning and then cup a ball after each bite. In this way we try to lure the bream shoal and keep it around our swim.

For carp fishing we will rather work with small balls, do not prefeed too much and cup a small ball per bite.

Do you want to use this mix for the Method? That is possible, but then it is best to make it slightly wetter during the preparation.

The Pro Pellet feed has a slightl, sweet fishmeal scent, is not too coarse and gives a light cloud.

The product can be used on it's own, or can also be mixed with: Big Fish 1 kg, Expanda fishmeal 1 kg, Expanda Big Fish 1 kg or yellow lake 1 kg.

Tip: For targeting bigger fish, use the liquid booster Shell Fish or Meat by adding some to the  water of your groundbait. If you want to use a liquid booster for more all-round fishing, it is best to use Liquid booster Chocolate, Scopex, or Syrup. Add Simply 1 Lid of Liquid booster for each 50 gram of products to your preparation water (our Liquid boosters are quite strong but you are free to add more).



Pro Pellet Feed




The Margin Mix is an English term for the typical edge fishing, but don't let this term mislead you. Our margin mix is nutritious enough and has sufficient effect to fish both in the side and at a further location. If you are going to fish in the side, it is important that your cup balls are smaller than if you are going to fish at a further location.

When the Margin Mix is in the water, you will see the “ pinking “  small bubbles in that place, which confirms that it is working properly.

Given the adhesive power of the Margin Mix, it is recommended when wetting this mix to carefully add water in 3 times.

When finishing this mix correctly you will get that spongy (soft) feeling and just this feeling is appreciated by the better competition angler.

The Margin mix will stick too hard with too much water and you can even use it as a ball. If you work with paste and your paste is too soft, make a little bit of margin mix overwet and voila a solution for your soft paste.

Our Margin mix is a complex bait where we have ensured that it consists of 50% fishmeal. We mixed the pellets in two ways, one part very fine to have some binding and one part crushed so that the mix can open up smoothly.

We also thought it was important that the groundbait can have the necessary effect, which was not easy to achieve, but we managed to do it!

As a final change in this bait we have chosen a specific sweet fishmeal smell, which will provide a huge attraction on your swim.


Margin Mix


Method Mix Fishmeal

Method Mix Fishmeal

It's not for nothing that our new Method Mix is named Method mix Fishmeal. It is rich in fishmeal containing products specially selected by us. It has a very fine structure and is a high-quality method mix that absorbs a lot of water due to its high fishmeal content, so it is recommended to wet several times.

 ** On 1kg of method mix, half a litre of water is ideal. Best in moisturizing twice 15 minutes apart. A tip on how to estimate whether your feed is ready? If you can make a ball that comes loose just as quickly you make the ball, the mix is ready for use.

Due to its dark character, the mix can be used in shallow and deeper waters. You can also use the Method Mix Fishmeal in other disciplines, making the mix a real all-rounder with an eye on Commercial fishing. The mix can be used mainly for carp and bream on commercials waters.

You can easily combine the Method mix Fishmeal per 1kg, adding a 200 gram elite pellets 3mm. Please note, it is best to prepare the pellets separately. Soak for 2 or 3 minutes, drain, and add to the mix.

As an extra tip, don't forget our Sinking crumbs, they provide a nice colour pallet which can ensure that the fish will be less suspicious of your possibly coloured hookbait such as our Dumbells.

Second tip: For targeting bigger fish, use the liquid booster Shell Fish or Meat by adding some to the  water of your groundbait. If you want to use a liquid booster for more all-round fishing, it is best to use Liquid booster Chocolate, Scopex, or Syrup. Add Simply 1 Lid of Liquid booster for each 50 gram of products to your preparation water (our Liquid boosters are quite strong but you are free to add more).



Method Mix Europa Classic



Method Mix Fruit/Frucht



Method Mix Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Method Mix Fishmeal



Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal





Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal

Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal

It's not for nothing that our new Method Mix is called Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal. It is rich in fishmeal containing products specially selected by us. It has a very fine structure and is a high-quality method Mix that absorbs a lot of water due to its high fishmeal content, so it is recommended to wet several times.

** On 1kg of method mix, half a litre of water is ideal. Best in wetting the mix twice, 15 minutes apart. A tip on how to estimate whether your feed is ready? If you can make a ball that comes loose just as quickly you make the ball, the mix is ready for use.

Due to its dark character, the mix can be used in shallow and deeper water. You can also use the Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal in other disciplines, making the mix a real all-rounder with an eye on Commercial fishing. The mix can be used mainly for carp and bream on the commercials.

Our Method mix Sweet Fishmeal variant mainly responds to commercials that more need a sweet touch. Some carp and bream can appreciate this sweet touch on some days and therefor this product give you the necessary extra attraction to do just that and make the difference.

You can easily combine the Method mix Fishmeal per 1kg, adding a 200 gram elite pellets 3mm. Please note, it is best to prepare the pellets separately. Soak for 2 or 3 minutes, drain, and add to the mix.

As an extra tip, don't forget our Sinking crumbs, they provide a nice colour palette which can ensure that the fish will be less suspicious of your possibly coloured hookbait, like our Dumbells.

Second tip: For targeting bigger fish, use the liquid booster Shell Fish or Meat by adding some to the  water of your groundbait. If you want to use a liquid booster for more all-round fishing, it is best to use Liquid booster Chocolate, Scopex, or Syrup. Add Simply 1 Lid of Liquid booster for each 50 gram of products to your preparation water (our Liquid boosters are quite strong but you are free to add more).


Method Mix Europa Classic



Method Mix Fruit/Frucht



Method Mix Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Method Mix Fishmeal



Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal







The Method Mix XT is one of our new fishmeal mixes where we have added a flavor that gives an extra sweet touch. The mix is rich in fishmeal products specially selected by us. It has a very fine structure and is a high-quality method feed that absorbs a lot of water due to its high fishmeal content, so it is advisable to wet it several times.

** Half a liter of water is ideal for 1kg of method mix. Best in moistening twice with an interval of 15 minutes. A tip on how to estimate whether your feed is ready? If you can make a ball that comes loose just as quickly, the feed is ready for use.

Due to its dark character, the mix can be used in shallow as well as deeper water. You can also use the method mix XT in other disciplines, making the mix a real all-rounder with an eye on commercial fishing. The mix can be used mainly for carp and bream on the commercials. You can easily combine the Method Mix XT with the DINO PASTE XT or the Margin Mix. Our Method mix XT mainly responds to commercials that need an extra touch to give you the necessary extra attraction to make just that little bit more difference.

You can easily combine the Method mix XT per 1kg, adding a 200 gram elite pellets 3mm. Please note, it is best to prepare the pellets separately. Soak for 2 minutes, drain, and add to the mix. If you want to make the Mix a bit firmer, you can always use our Method Sticky Pellets, combine per 1kg, add a 200 gram Method Sticky pellets 2mm. Please note, it is best to prepare the pellets separately. Soak for 15 minutes in a tub with the same amount of water and pellets, drain, and add to the mix.

As an extra tip, don't forget our Sinking crumbs, they give a nice color palette which can ensure that the fish will be less suspicious of your possibly colored hookbait.

Second tip: for fishing for larger fish, you can use our Liquid booster Shell Fish or Meat. You can simply add our liquid booster to the water you want to use to finish your bait/pellets. If you want to use a liquid booster for more all-round fishing, it is best to use the Liquid booster Chocolate, Scopex or Syrup.

Simply add 1 cap of liquid booster per hand of feed/pellets (+/- 50 grams of product) to your preparation water (our Liquid boosters are quite strong, but if you notice that the smell could be stronger, you can always add more) .


Method Mix Europa Classic



Method Mix Fruit/Frucht



Method Mix Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Method Mix Fishmeal



Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal





Supercarp FISHMEAL

Supercarp FISHMEAL

Supercarp Fishemal:

Our supercarp fishmeal is a product that is ideal for canals or lakes (commercials).

This fishmeal based product is in our range since the since the 90's and

is one of the most popular fishmeal mixes in our range.

It is a mix that is quite sticky and a little bit coarse as well. This mix will breaking down slowly and

will therefore have a long-lasting activity on the bottom and will attract even the shyest fish.

This mix can absorb quite a bit of water. We recommend always wetting this product three times.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Supercarp Strawberry



Supercarp Fishmeal


supercarp STRAWBERRY

supercarp STRAWBERRY

Our Supercarp range has been in our range since the 1990s and came about because, certainly from the 2000s onwards, carp fishing was gaining ground all over Europe.

The Supercarp range consists of two versions, 1 with fishmeal and 1 without. Both mixes differ hard from each other, but as a common feature they are two heavy and sticky mixes.  

They will therefore disintegrate very slowly and because they have such sustained activity on the bottom they will know how to attract even the shyest fish.

Use 0.5 - 0.6 litres of water to moisten 1 kg of bait. Pour 1 kg of bait into a feeding bowl and add ¼ of the water to your mix while stirring vigorously. Let the water soak for 5 to 15 min. Now repeat the 2 previous steps until all the water is worked up.

Is the bait still sticking too hard, have you sifted the feed? Adding a percentage of chapelure can sometimes work wonders. Looking for a good base to combine your mix with? Then be sure to use our Pond yellow 1 kg in winter or our Skimmer mix 1 kg in summer.If you want to make the mix coarser, feel free to add 200 grams of our VDE Elite pellet, submerge separately for 2 minutes and ready to add.

 If you use Supercarp strawberry, we recommend adding BS20 in combination with additional strawberry additive.

You can find more info on this ratio under the product group additives and BS20.


Supercarp Strawberry



Supercarp Fishmeal


Feeder COARSE **NEW 2023**

Feeder COARSE **NEW 2023**

Feeder Coarse has been developed with the aim of offering a total range for Feeder anglers. Feeder Coarse is, as the name suggests, a coarse mix, this is the first coarse feeder feed that we release in our feeder range. During our testing phase we quickly noticed that this bait was going to be a nice all-rounder in terms of both catches and use. This groundbait is perfect for flowing and fast flowing waters.

A coarse groundbait has the advantage that it can be used in flowing and deep waters, but also that you get larger fish on it, because a coarse mix will be quicker active than a fine mix.

If this groundbait feels just a bit too coarse, you can grind it for a short period of time according to your own feeling or simply sieve out the coarse parts. You can soak the sieved pieces separately in a tub and when they have become soft, sieve them and add them to your mixture again.

Our test results showed the predominance of a (large) bonus fish, this way your fishery can get the decisiveness it needs. You can prepare the Feeder Coarse (coarse) in three times, so that your bait has enough time to absorb water and become nice and soft.

Which combinations can you definitely try?

1 part Feeder Coarse + 1 part G5 + 1 pack Bream Caramel

If only roach is present: use G5 special + 1 pack of Rotaugen classic

For a mixed fishery: bream caramel/ bream supersweet/ Vanilla etc..

1 part Feeder Coarse + 1 part Record Sweet + 1 pack Bream Caramel

The record sweet sticks well and this makes this mix ideal if you want to fish far and deep.

Towards the colder period, we have noticed that the following combination is effective:

1 part Feeder Coarse + 1 part feeder Bream + some Bream Caramel according to your own taste, 1 teaspoon super sweet per kg and black coloring (Magic Colour black)


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


Active feeder

Active feeder



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder




Everywhere in Europe fishing in rivers proves to be very popular. Species like barble and chub therefore are, together with the bream, carp and carassio that are present nearly everywhere, important fish for many anglers. FORMAGGIO is a binding groundbait that is

aimed especially at these waters and these fish. Specific for FORMAGGIO is its extremely strong cheese smell.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Formaggio Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb (Zólta)



Formaggio Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot (Czerwona)


Feeder Turbo +

Feeder Turbo +


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feeback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

* Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

 Our range contains:


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2

Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2

Is a good basis  feeder product where you can easily work with this product and do not need any special preparation methods. This new feeder product is an ideal match with feeder Mystery red. Together they provide a tasty mix.

There are also some small structures in the bait to keep the fish interested.

We have the feeder products below given a signation with 1/ 2  and 2/2, these two products together are a good combination. We try to advise in this way that these products are used together for barbel fishing


* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feeback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

* Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

 Our range contains:


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse


Feeder Gold

Feeder Gold

Is a product that has been developed and inspired for the southern waters of Europe. The mix is a very rich mix that is not really a typical feeder mix but can be used well provided that the correct moistening method is used (three times rule at least). 

The product is ideally suited to use cutter ants in it and for the deeper waters.

In the mix, we have chosen to provide it with quite a lot of ground seeds, making it coarse. As far as we know, the product is quite all-round and can be used at any time of the year. The mix gets clearly improved results when combined with Brasem T or Brasem Caramel.

The mix can be perfectly combined with the following products: Feeder Bream, Feeder Turbo, G5...  

For deep water and far cast: 1 part Feeder Gold, 1 part Record weet and 0,5 part Polenta coarse + some sinking crumbs yellow and red. 

** The wetting method is cruscial, make the baits 1 night in advance or use the three times rule.  


Feeder Turbo +



Feeder Bream



Feeder Basic



Feeder Turbo +black



Feeder Gold



Feeder Sweet Carp



Feeder Mystery Red 1/2



Feeder Cheese & Garlic 2/2



Feeder Roach 



Feeder Roach Black



Active Feeder



Dynamic Feeder



Feeder Coarse




G5 is an all-round groundbait that is suitable for fishing in a variety of water types. It was developed with the aim of attracting many different fish species such as roach, bream, tench, carassio and carp.

The product has a fine to slightly coarse texture and is not very sticky. So you can use this mixture neat if the water flows smoothly or not at all. When the water to be fished is extremely deep or flows extremely fast, it is recommended to weight G5 with a percentage of loam and/or a percentage of RECORD SILVER (winter), RECORD SWEET (summer) or RECORD GOLD depending on the precise fishing conditions .

 G5 BLACK/NOIR comes into its own when, for example, you are fishing on clear waters



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:





G5  Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz


Method mix

Method mix

Method fishing is a discipline of the sport whereby the prepared bait is pushed into a specifically designed mould which encloses the hook. In other words, method fishing is in fact fishing with hook bait and simply said, works as follows: the method hook bait slowly disintegrates, fish that are swimming in the area will detect these loose particles and aromas and will bite.  

Our method feed can also be used in other disciplines of the sport.

  • Ready made bait
  • Lush bait
  • All-round bait for big fish (carp, bream, tench)
  • Binding bait
  • Slowly disintegrating which will make the fish go for the ball and so get hooked.
  • Mould needs to be very consistent.

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Method Mix Europa Classic



Method Mix Fruit/Frucht



Method Mix Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Method Mix Fishmeal



Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal





Method Mix Fruit

Method Mix Fruit

Method fishing is a discipline in fishing where you start pressing the prepared bait into a specially designed jig that encloses the hook. Method fishing is therefore basically hook bait fishing and works simply as follows: the method hook bulb crumbles slightly, the fish swimming nearby detects these particles and aromas and will bite.  
The Method mix fruit has a salty fruity flavour that few fish can resist

Our Method feeds can also be used in other fishing disciplines.


Ready-made bait
Rich bait
All-round bait for big fish (bream, tench, carp)
Binding bait
Quiet release causing fish to bite for the sphere and thus will hook themselves.
Important consistency of jig

* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde likes to get as much feedback as possible! Send us your opinions to 

*Looking for recipes? check out favourite products! 

Our offer:


Method Mix Europa Classic



Method Mix Fruit/Frucht



Method Mix Rood/Rouge/Red/Rot



Method Mix Fishmeal



Method Mix Sweet Fishmeal


Record Goud

Record Goud

This groundbait is the heaviest and most binding groundbait-mix in our range. RECORD GOUD is the ideal mix when fishing on flowing canals and rivers. Many different fish species like roach, bream, tench, carasio, carp and also many specific river-fishspecies will be attracted by it. RECORD GOUD (gold) will be perfect for the fishing in just about every bigger European waterway.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Record Goud Allround/Or Allround/Gold Allround



Record Goud Allround/Or Allround/Gold Allround



Record Goud Allround Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



Record Goud Allround Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz


Record zilver

Record zilver

This groundbait is the heaviest and most binding groundbait-mix in our range.Originally it was developped for fishing on the river Rhine (Germany). RECORD ZILVER (silver) is a bream-orientated groundbait but will certainly also attract other fish-species like roach, tench, carassio and carp. RECORD ZILVER is also the perfect groundbait to make other groundbaits like G5,  TURBO and/or SUPERCUP “heavier” when the fishing conditions require this.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Record Zilver Brasem/Brème Argent/Bream Silver/Plötze Silber



Record Zilver Brasem/Brème Argent/Bream Silver/Plötze Silber



Record Zilver Brasem Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



Record Zilver Brasem Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz


Record sweet

Record sweet

We were asked by many fishermen whether we have a record that tastes very sweet and not salt like the regular record silver 2kg. For this reason we have carried out some developments to bring a new sweet record to the market.

We have opted for a different type of biscuits and we have removed the coarse structure. As a finishing touch we have added some sweeteners.

This record needs a lot of water and sticks enormously, the best way to fish with this product is very simple:

1 part record sweet and 1 part black earth and is ideal in the more warm periods + additive


1 part record sweet and 1 part feeder bream + additive


1 part Record Sweet + ½ part SUPERCUP + ½ part BEET+ additive



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Record Sweet


River ace

River ace

This bag with the inscription River Ace, which at first glance will fascinate you with its design in the style of the flag of Great Britain, will tell you where its recipe probably comes from. Yes exactly! This groundbait was developed by leading British competitors under the MVDE flag.

From my point of view, this groundbait is the river cousin of the famous turbo classic black, which is popular by many world leading competitors. It is similar in color, smell, even in texture. But what is different is the composition and in this case it becomes a groundbait that meets certain specific conditions. Due to its properties, this compound groundbait is perfect for fishing in strong streams.

River Ace groundbait is offered in two colors. Specifically in black and brown-red. Both of these variants are relatively dark, which from my point of view on dark ground does not arouse as much mistrust in the fish as the light color.

The aroma is lightly sweet, corresponding to the components used. Anyone who has used Turbo will know the aroma of this mixture.

The structure of the River Ace mixture is medium gross, so it does not contain any significant large particles. However, due to its composition, the mixture is very sticky and heavy, making it an ideal choice for draft and deep waters.

In case of its properties, I would use this groundbait as a basic mix. That means "as a mix indicating the structure of the resulting mixture aimed at catching the fish of the stream (vimba bream, bream, chub, Common nase, barble…etc.).


  • 1kg River Ace Black
  • 0,5kg Feeder Cheese & Garlic
  • Cca 150gr Sinking Crumbs Yellow/Red/Black



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


River Ace



River Ace Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz


Silver Fish mix

Silver Fish mix



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Silver fish mix






* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:








* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:



This bait was originally developed for the English market. Bob Nudd, no less,  was heavily involved.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:




Vijver geel

Vijver geel



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Vijver Geel/Etang Jaune/Lake Yellow/Teich Gelb



Vijver Geel/Etang Jaune/Lake Yellow/Teich Gelb


Gold pro Big River *new 2024*

Gold pro Big River *new 2024*

We decided to add a coarse variant in the Gold Pro Range. when you open the bag, the pleasant aroma will already meet you. As the name suggests, this product is tuned for use on rivers and canals (whether or not fast-flowing).

It is a really coarse feed and this has the advantage that it can be used in flowing and deep waters, but also that you will get bigger fish on it because it will ''work'' faster than a fine feed that is more likely to cloud.

If this feed feels just a little too coarse, you can grind it for a small period to your own liking or simply sieve out the coarse parts. You can let the sieved out pieces soak separately in a jar and when they have softened, sieve them to pieces and add them to your mixture again.

You can easily use the Gold Pro Big River pure but we recommend the following mix:

1 part Gold Pro Big River + 1 part Turbo + 1 part Brasem Caramel (in winter - in summer we recommend Brasem Supersweet)

Prepare the Gold Pro Big River in three times, this will give your bait enough time to absorb water and soften nicely.


Gold - Pro Classic



Gold - Pro Geel/Jaune/Yellow/Gelb


*30093 Gold pro black 


*30094 Gold pro Big River *new 2024*




This groundbait is absolutely one of the most popular mixes in our range. TURBO CLASSIC was designed with the cooperation of Phillipe Carroyer (1992), Belgian International angler for many years. This groundbait is extremely all-round and will attract virtually every fish-species that is present in Europe. You could call TURBO CLASSIC a medium heavy groundbait. When your fishing conditions require a slightly heavier mix it’s ideal to add a percentage of RECORD ZILVER or RECORD GOUD, when you require a slightly lighter mix a percentage of SUPERCUP or SPECIAL is the perfect addition.

Many European waters are becoming more and more clean and this results in clear waters. Especially in the colder winter-months when all the algues are disappearing as well this is the case. Therefore there is a quickly rising demand for darker groundbaits. Black is the colour that is most in demand. TURBO ZWART (black) is exactly the same groundbait as the TURBO CLASSIC but this time in a black colour. The perfect solution when the waters you fish are clear.

Turbo is a very versatile groundbait making it ideal to use when fishing.



* Are you already using this bait? Marcel Van Den Eynde happily receives as much feedback as possible! Please send us what you think to 

*Are you looking for recipes? Then look at these favourite products! 

Our range contains:


Turbo Carroyer



Turbo Carroyer



Turbo Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz



Turbo Zwart/Noir/Black/Schwarz
